I've been pushing it off for a few months. You know when your hair has finally reached a length you love and you get accustom to styling it a certain way - I guess a rut?! Well, my long hair has really grown on me. And I need a trim desperately. It's just, every time I go to the salon, I end up cutting A LOT off, and I mean A LOT. I have a habit of doing something drastic every... single... time. And for once, I really like my hair, and my boyfriend likes my hair too. So essentially, I'm scared of myself! Because I know I'm going to sit down in that chair and Val is going to run his hands through my hair and ask me "what do you want to do?" and I'm going to be listening to the beats from the music in the background, and the room is going to smell so good, and I'm going to have my herbal tea delivered to me in a white ceramic cup, and I'm going to witness another woman seated in front of me and she's going to be getting a realllyyy cool haircut - like the coolest (I just have a feeling) - and that's when I'll cave... right - there. I'll forget that I actually like my hair the way it is now, and I'll let him cut inches away when all I want is a trim. Damn that herbal tea.
And for some fashion coverage: Here are my favorite moments from the Sonia Rykiel show. (Speaking of hair days... how divinely sexy are those girls?!.)
Photo credit: Marcus Tondo/GoRunway.com |
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